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In-App Feedback Form in Unity


Unity is a popular game engine in world. 70% of 2D game is developed by Unity. 

 In-App Feedback Form in Unity

Many developers are struggling to make In- App Feedback Form. But, our enginnering team use this feedback form in our games like Bottle Shoot

Now we are writing In-App Feedback Form for Unity Game Developer. 

Unity can implement a basic in-app feedback form for collecting user input. This involves creating UI elements and a script for handling form submissions.


using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;


public class FeedbackForm : MonoBehaviour {

    public InputField feedbackInputField;

    public Slider ratingSlider;

    public Button submitButton;


    void Start() {




    void SubmitFeedback() {

        string feedback = feedbackInputField.text;

        float rating = ratingSlider.value;


        Debug.Log("Feedback: " + feedback);

        Debug.Log("Rating: " + rating);


        feedbackInputField.text = ""; // Clears the input field




For online feedback storage, use UnityWebRequest to send data to a server.

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