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Monetization Options in Unity

Unity offers monetization through ads and in-app purchases (IAP).


1. Unity Ads: Unity Ads provides different ad types:

Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads shown at transitions.

Rewarded Ads: Optional ads offering rewards for viewing.

Banner Ads: Persistent ads ideal for UI-heavy screens.

Example ad implementation:


using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.Advertisements;


public class AdsManager : MonoBehaviour, IUnityAdsListener {

    private string gameId = "YOUR_GAME_ID";

    private bool testMode = true;


    void Start() {

        Advertisement.Initialize(gameId, testMode);




    public void ShowInterstitialAd() {

        if (Advertisement.IsReady("Interstitial_Android")) {





    public void OnUnityAdsDidFinish(string placementId, ShowResult showResult) {

        if (showResult == ShowResult.Finished) {

            Debug.Log("Ad finished successfully!");





2. In-App Purchases (IAP)

Unity IAP allows products like ad removal or currency packs. The setup includes creating products on the Unity Dashboard.

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.Purchasing;


public class IAPManager : MonoBehaviour, IStoreListener {

    private static IStoreController storeController;

    private string removeAds = "remove_ads";


    void Start() {




    void InitializePurchasing() {

        if (storeController == null) {

            var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());

            builder.AddProduct(removeAds, ProductType.NonConsumable);

            UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);




    public void BuyRemoveAds() {




    public void OnPurchaseComplete(Product product) {

        if ( == removeAds) {

            Debug.Log("Ads Removed!");





Ad and IAP Tips: Show ads sparingly, use rewarded ads for incentives, and place ads strategically to avoid disrupting gameplay.


3. Unity Mediation: Allows integration with multiple ad networks for higher revenue potential through providers like AdMob and IronSource.

4. Analytics for Monetization Insights: Using analytics to track ad engagement, IAP conversions, and player retention can optimize monetization strategies and enhance user experience.


This summary includes the key Unity concepts, explanations, and sample code. Let me know if you need more in-depth details on any section!


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